
Dayton Sand & Gravel
Air Emissions Inventory Reporting
Gravel Pit Excavation into Groundwater & Reclamation
Sand & Salt Storage Registration
EPA Reference Method 9 Visible Emissions Testing for Aggregate Processing

F.R. Carroll, Inc.
Asphalt Batch Plant Air Emission Licensing
Air Emissions Inventory Reporting
Spill Prevention Containment & Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan

Gorham Sand & Gravel
Sand & Salt Storage Registration
Industrial Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

J.C. Stone
Reserve Value Assessment
Quarry Excavation into Groundwater & Reclamation
Stormwater Management

Lafayette Oceanfront Resort at Wells Beach
Legislation to allow Expansion on Wells Beach

Moose River Lumber Company
Industrial Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

Maine Aggregate Association
Legislation to establish Permit-by-Rule Standards for Petroleum Storage for Gravel Pits
Over 20 years serving as Advisor & Legislative Counsel to the Board of Directors

Maine Made Furniture Company
Pine Tree Development Zone Certification
CDBG Workforce Development Grant for Employee Training

Owen J. Folsom, Inc.
Industrial Stormwater Pollution Prevent Plan
Spill Prevention Containment & Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan
EPA Reference Method 9 Visible Emissions Testing for Aggregate Processing

Quarry Transfer & Registration
Pine Tree Development Zone Certification
CDBG Workforce Development Grant for Employee Training

R.J. Grondin & Sons
Industrial Stormwater Pollution Prevent Plan
Spill Prevention Containment & Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan
EPA Reference Method 9 Visible Emissions Testing for Aggregate Processing

Sargent Corporation
EPA Reference Method 9 Visible Emissions Testing for Aggregate Processing